Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hello? Anybody there? WAKE UP!

This is a quick one.

It's Thursday morning, and after a quick scan of today's Herald-Press (it can't be anything but a quick scan), we still haven't seen a story on the settlement of the suit concerning the Bible trailers in the Huntington County School Corporation.

The suit was settled and announced on Monday, with the school corporation paying out $31,000 to the complainant. Other area news outlets began reporting in on Tuesday. You would think that even the sharp tools at the Herald-Press might have stumbled across it somewhere by Wednesday. It's probable that people in the community even called the newsroom about it. It's likely that no one was even in the office, though.

This is another pathetic example of the lack of concern on the part of the Herald-Press to provide our community with important information.

It is a HUGE story when the school corporation, supported by OUR tax dollars, has to pay out $31,000 to settle a lawsuit.

Would someone please wake up down there? At least try to put forth an effort.


  1. I can definitely report that on Tuesday, the 1st of September at approxiamately 1 p.m., people were present and awake at the Herald-Pressless building, definitely!

  2. Alright, Kenny. But, could any of them find their ass-or any Huntington landmark-with both hands?

  3. Let's face it A, they couldn't tell their ass from a Sunken Garden. I wonder if any of them would know what famous sentencing hearings took place twenty years ago this week.

  4. I am more outraged that my tax dollars were used to settle this lawsuit. I hope the 31,000 she recieved is enough to not make it traumatizing for her to drive past every church in huntington county.

  5. I feel sorry for the child involved. Because of the idiocy of the parent, this child may never know what he/she is missing.

  6. My child goes to Horace Mann. They have never revealed who the child or parent is. Amazing that they were so upset by a non-descript brown trailer...can only figure they don't drive around town much or she must go into shock driving past all the churches. It completely sickens me that she is going to profit from this while my child loses out on the experience of the Bible Trailer and I will have to help foot the bill for this idiocy!

  7. I've decided to refer to the rag this blog is about as The New Herald-Press from now on so as not to demean those who used to run it. Never was it more true that "you don't know what you've got 'till its gone".

  8. The Herald Press has never been a good paper regardless of who run or owned it and this includes the Quayle famaly.

  9. Bullshit. You must be one of the hired hands brought to town to destroy it-or buddies with someone of that gang. As said above, we didn't know what we had until it disappeared. The old H-P may not have been perfect, but, it was a damn sight better thatn the rag the interlopers put out now.

  10. Having worked there for about 25 years before being 'downsized' I think I have a handle on how it was. We were really like a 'family'. We knew everybody's kids. We socialized on occasion. We cared about each other. It's a little different now. Now I just go to for the area happenings. Not all... but a bunch... and it's free.

  11. Rick-That site is in desperate need of a news component to make it whole.

  12. I think it is important, though, to focus on the only (and I mean ONLY) bright spot at the Herald Press: Sean Giggy. For those of us who still read the paper, and can handle reading sports stories two days late, Giggy's reporting talent is a true breath of fresh air. I just feel it important to make sure we don't lump his section (albeit small) in with the rest of the paper.

  13. Giggy is ok. Being the best of the bunch isn't saying much. He has skills. He tends to worry to much abotu writing "pretty". This sin't a novel, just tell us what happened. Referring to Clumbia City as simply "Columbia", in a headline, does not help matters.

  14. Giggy probably doesn't write the headlines and the person that does probably couldn't tell you how to get to Columbia City from the H-P offices.

  15. Correct. At this point, with all the "synergy" going on at Paxton, Giggy is only responsible for the stories that have his name on them. Not only does he not write the headlines, he doesn't even pick out the general sports stories that fill out the section. At least this is my understanding of the situation.

  16. How about the get some who can write. My middle-schooler can write stories better than anything on that site. That isother than the 95% of the stories that are press releases.

  17. I believe you should have had your middle-schooler write your anonymous comment for you then.

  18. Just ran across this site. The paper has gone to hell over the last few months and the new online "subscription" bit seals the deal.

    I no longer live in Huntington, and it was nice to be able to keep up with at least family member news.

    If they hadn't changed the entire format and made it readable I might consider it... but it's a total waste.

    Someone needs to get the TAB on the phone and tell them that opportunity is knocking for a takeover.

  19. Herald-Press photographer Rob Edwards was told his position was being eliminated today. The paper will rely on the reporters to shoot photographs. In addition, the Associated Press photo service contract is expiring in November.

  20. Stick a fork in it.
