Monday, November 10, 2008

Everybody's workin' for the weekend!

We love the Sunday newspaper. We can't wait to read the promo headlines at the top of the page, and this weekend's were particularly spicy. You know it's big news when they use exclamation points. All the best journalists pound home headlines with the hammer.
First, there's "Weddings, births and more!" Well, we don't know if we can handle much more than that!
Then there's "More Forester sporting action than you can imagine!" Hey, we can imagine quite a bit. We just hope we're not disappointed!

Let's not forget the "Lots O Savings Inside!"

Monday's paper featured some more recycled press releases that staffers rewrite and slap their own name on.

There were more obituary disasters Monday. Poor Kat Garrison. She died on Nov. 2, and since that time, her obit has been in three times, meaning at least two screw-ups. On Sunday, they ran the obituary with the name "Mary J. Smith" in the headline.

Then there's Robert G. Brown, apparently a visitor from the future, or at least lost in time. It's hard to tell, because there were so many blatant mistakes.
First, he was listed in the headline as living from 1961 to 2008, but in the obituary, he graduated from Lancaster High School in 1946, quite an achievement for someone born in 1961. Or was he born in 1961? Also in the obit, he is listed as being born in the year 2928. So I guess by being born that far in the future, he may have achieved the ability to bend time and space.

Geez, is anybody actually proofreading these things? I would think those would stand out.

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