Monday, November 10, 2008

FRIDAY, Nov. 7

It was hard to believe that Tom Davis actually ran negative letters to the editor, these concerning the election coverage (or lack thereof). I'm sure he had plenty of letters to choose from. It was pretty inexcusable.
Mr. Davis tried to explain by saying that the Herald-Press strives to feature Huntington County-related stories. Well, that's fine, but there are times when national events supercede local stories, even monster local stories like the Lancaster Elementary mock election results.
We can't help but remember what Mr. Davis once told a friend of ours - "If people want national news, they can watch CNN." That's journalistic acumen at its best.

The Herald-Press is also now offering subscriptions for three days a week. Do we get to pick which three days we want? Does it really matter? The trick would be to decide what event you want to read about, then make sure you subscribe to the paper that comes out three days later. That should be just about right on the timing.

How many times can they recycle the same picture? Haven't we seen that YMCA picture at least twice before?

Speaking of photos, what's with running all the file photos, especially in sports? If I see a Notre Dame game story, I want to see a picture from that game, not some file photo taken last week or last year. That's the whole idea of news photography, to illustrate the story.
There's even a problem with pictures that don't go with stories. So many times they're days old. What happened to newspapers being timely? Oh yeah, this is the Herald-Press.

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