Thursday, November 6, 2008

TUESDAY 11-04-08 Sports Time Warp

This is unfortunately way-too familiar.
The Huntington University men's basketball team opened its season Saturday in Illinois, likely ending too late for the ridiculously-early H-P deadlines.
But there was still nothing in even Monday's newspaper.
The HU opener finally made it in on Tuesday. The story conveniently never mentioned what day the game was played, so the casual observer would think that it might have occurred Monday.
But it was played on Saturday.
Even so, three days late, the H-P decided to splash it loud and proud at the top of the page.
Then there's the home HU volleyball tournament that mysteriously was held "recently." It actually happened Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. I'm tired of getting my news late! I don't know why I keep taking the paper. Is it so hard to get some information on time? It's the same thing with other sports getting in days after it happened.
